But I Say to You, Love Your Enemies
Series: The Art of Relationship
We were made to be in relationship, relationship with God and with others. If you read the creation story in Genesis chapter 2, the only thing that God said, “is not good” was when the first human was found to be alone.
The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a companion for him who corresponds to him (Genesis 2:18 NET).”
We were made to know others and to be known, fully known, by others. But if relationship is one of our most critical needs, then why are they so hard? And why do so many value relationship so little? Thankfully, the Bible speaks volumes about what it takes to build, grow and sustain vital relationships. You are invited to a four-week series called - The Art of Relationship.

Michael Grose
Lead Pastor
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