Metcalf Access
Led by Jox & Kristi Metcalf on Sundays at 5:00 PM in Monticello.
It is easy to enjoy the Sunday morning experience at the Quarry but still not feel connected. To help people begin to make friends, grow spiritually, and impact others – to gain “access” to these things - we offer Access Groups.
Access is what we call the small groups of people who meet weekly to grow in faith. Hosting anywhere between 5 - 25 people, groups normally meet in homes for about 2 hours: socializing, discussing spiritual topics, sharing and praying for each other.
Groups typically discuss the previous Sunday’s message and how it applies to their lives. During the evening, groups may break into smaller groups to allow for more personal sharing and support.
If you would like to learn more about Access groups, or if you are ready to check one out, please fill out the interest form below.