



The purpose of Quarry Student Ministries (QSM) is to glorify God by reaching students with the gospel and encouraging them to develop an intimate and contagious relationship with Jesus. QSM is a community where middle and high school students can cultivate healthy relationships, grow into leaders, and learn about God's purpose for their lives. It is focused on connecting students to their church through our Sunday worship services, serving, and student Access Groups. The church is meant to be intergenerational, including all ages and all people.

Follow along.


Our main goal is to invite our students to be apart of Sunday services each week. Sundays aren't just for the adults but the whole gathering of the local body of Christ - which students are a huge part of! We want to be an intergenerational church that doesn't look down on young people because of their age, but invites them alongside our adults to learn and worship together.

We kick off our usual weekly gatherings by gathering together as a large group to go over the message from that Sunday. Our youth pastor gives a summary of the message, scripture, and main points that were covered before we dive into discussion in our access groups. During discussion time, following our large group gathering, we meet up with our Access Groups to talk through some questions and go a little deeper on Sunday's message. These groups are divided by gender and grade - you also meet with the same people every week. Each access group is lead by 1-2 of our adult leaders who are committed to meeting with you each week.

The last way we connect with students is through trips & events that take place outside of our usual weekly gatherings. Here are some examples of events we typically do throughout the year: summer mission trips, fall retreat to Trout Lake Camps, spring conference to District Blitz in Duluth, high school bible study, holiday parties, etc. We love gathering together as much as possible!

QSM gatherings

  Middle & High School Access Groups  

Wednesdays | 6:30-8:30 PM

6:30-7:00 • Hang out and play games 
7:00-7:30 • Come together to recap Sunday's sermon
7:30-8:30 • Dive deep with your access group for discussion and encouragement

  QSM Invite Nights  

1st Wednesdays | 6:30-8:30 PM

Every month, on the first Wednesday, we will have something called QSM INVITE NIGHTS. This will be a time for everyone to come together for a special gathering and is a great opportunity to invite friends! The structure will look similar to an access group but more time will be spent together playing games and in worship before we go into small groups.

QSM Events


Join us November 8-10th for our Fall Retreat at Trout Lake Camps!

This is a fall weekend camp that we love to attend with both our middle and high school students each year. Something our students (and leaders) look forward to every fall, Trout is an awesome time to get away for the weekend and spend some dedicated time learning about Jesus and growing in relationship with fellow believers. You can learn more about Trout Lake Camps here and save your spot by filling out the form below!


Meet our youth pastor

Harrison Crane

Harrison Crane has a love for teaching, preaching, and assisting parents in encouraging students to be satisfied in Christ. Here are a few other fun facts about Harrison:

  • Graduated with a BS in Marketing from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
  • Met his wife, Natalie, in Cru (formerly Campus Crusade for Christ) and got married in July 2020
  • Loves the Green Bay Packers
  • Writes and produces music in his spare time

get in touch with harrison

Quarry students FAQs

Safety & Security

We work to provide a safe, fun environment at the Quarry and in our off-site events. We are committed to the continuous responsible adult supervision of all activities and events. The Quarry conducts background checks on all adult volunteers. We require students to stay within the bounds of behavioral rules and spaces. With over 50 students attending Wednesday evenings, it is important that students do not leave our property (within our program times) without our knowledge of parental consent.


In the Bible, Jesus calls us to get baptized in Matthew 28:19 saying, "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit..." We believe that baptism is appropriate only for those who have made a personal decision to trust Christ alone for their salvation. If a student wants to get baptized we would encourage them to talk with their parents/guardians and with their leader to make sure they understand the decision they are making - to turn from their sin and give their life fully to Jesus. 

If you've talked with your student (or student, you've talked with your parents), we would love to baptize you at our next baptism service. Just let us know you are interested below. 

I want to get baptized

Trout Lake Camps

Every year in the fall we take a trip up to Trout Lake Camps in Pine River, MN for weekend retreat. This typically takes place in October from Friday after school until Sunday afternoon and is one of our favorite events to participate in for both students and leaders! Trout Lake is run by our church denomination, Converge North Central - you can learn more about the camp here.  

Check out this video of one of our trips!

Summers Mission/Service Trips

We also run two summer trips - one for middle and one for high schoolers. The location varies from year to year. Some examples of what we have done in the past include: 

  • For High School: Denver, South Texas, Philadelphia, South Dakota, & Colorado
  • For Middle School (we typically like to stay a little closer to MN): The Wolf River in Wisconsin, Duluth, & Milwaukee

For these trips we ask students who sign up for the trip to partner with others by raising financial support for their trips. We do some fundraisers but the bulk of the funds come from students contacting friends, family, and acquaintances and inviting them to support their Kingdom work through finances! This is a great opportunity for the students to trust in God to provide and for other to financially support the spreading of the gospel when they may not be able to go on a trip themselves.

Take a look at these videos from past trips!