Next Steps


We hope our church can be a place where you connect to others and find a home. Here at our church, we believe that encouraging others develop an intimate and contagious relationship with Jesus is what we are called to - and we want to come alongside you as you step into your faith. We never 'arrive', but we are all committed to walking the journey together. Our church leaders would love to connect with you, hear more of your story, and help find the best place for you to flourish. 

If you're new - fill out our connect card below and someone will be in touch with you. We're so excited you're interested in learning more about who we are and joining the family!

Let's connect



If you've chosen to follow Jesus, you've just made the best decision of your life. All of heaven rejoices each time one person turns to God.
But now what? What does it look like to live as a Christian? To love God and love others?

We're glad you asked. It's something we are called to do together - to encourage and life up one another as we all live this life for God. Please let us know that you've become a follower of Jesus by filling out the form below. We want to support you and help you grow in your understanding of what it means to have a relationship with Jesus.  

I've surrendered to jesus

take a step and get


In Matthew 28:19-20, Jesus commands his followers to Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit... Baptism is the means by which disciples of Christ are identified, and because Christ himself commanded it, Christ followers willingly submit to the practice.

If you are ready to publicly proclaim your faith and new life in Jesus by getting baptized please let us know below!

I want to get baptized

grow in your


The best way to grow is in community with other believers. Access is what we call the small groups of people who meet weekly to grow in faith together. Hosting anywhere between 8-12 people, groups normally meet in homes for about 2 hours: socializing, discussing spiritual topics, sharing and praying for each other. Check out what groups are available and come check one out below.

join a group

Explore how God is calling you to use service as worship at the Quarry! Not only are you serving the Kingdom by serving the church, but you’re also able to meet new people with like-minded interests. Fill out a serving interest form to get more details on what it means to join the team you're interested in!

serving opportunities

We have many different resources to help you practically learn more about God and the Christian faith. You weren't meant to do this alone and we want to personally walk this journey with you. If you're looking for biblical content that can help you grow generally or are looking for wisdom on a specific challenge, try taking a look at the sermon archive and also signing up to get access to RightNow Media.

RightNow Media is a media platform that we have purchased to offer free, unlimited access to thousands of Christian videos for everyone in our church. Fill out the form below and we will send you a link to set up an account!  

sermon archiverightnow media