April 18, 2025 5:00pm
Address: Quarry Church, 8585 MN-25, Monticello, MN US 55362
Join us as we participate in the Lord's supper and reflect on the sacrifice made by Jesus on the cross. Good Friday is good today because of the victory Jesus won over sin and death by dying in our place.
We will spend the evening taking communion and worshipping in songs of remembrance as commanded in scripture. If you are a follower of Jesus and have surrendered your life to Him, you are welcome to join us. We encourage families to attend together. (Childcare will be available)
When you come we will have a brief welcome and presentation of what happened the Friday before the resurrection of Jesus. Then we will go into a time of worship and you will take turns coming to the tables set up around the sanctuary. You will break a loaf of bread with the people at your table, then pass around the cup and dip your bread in the juice; the body and blood of Christ given for us. The band will be playing worship songs throughout the duration of this time. We encourage you to stay and worship with us after you take communion.