Overcoming Fear with Faith

Series: Emotional Chaos


Jeremiah 17:9 reads, “The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?”

From that passage many have concluded that emotions are a problem. They can’t be trusted. They get you in trouble. So, control, conceal, and learn how to cope. Don’t tell me how you feel. Tell me what you think.

But what if emotions can be trusted? What if God gave us emotions, like he has emotions, to draw us into an intimate relationship with him and with others?

Join us for a transformative four-week series inspired by God’s word and Jenny Allen’s Untangle Your Emotions. Each Sunday in January, we’ll explore how to navigate the complexities of our feelings through the lens of God’s truth. Together, we’ll uncover the purpose of emotions and discover the freedom that comes from bringing them honestly before God. By the end of the series, you’ll be equipped to let the Holy Spirit redeem your emotions, turning confusion into clarity and chaos into peace. Come ready to untangle the knots and step into the emotional freedom God desires for you!

Speaker: Mark Bjorlo

January 19, 2025

Matthew 14:26-33

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