Join us for our new series, The Garden, The Curtain, & The Cross, and bear witness to the Author of Life.

To the Farthest Parts of the Earth

So many of us feel numb – numb to our own circumstance, numb to events in the world, numb to the potential of tomorrow. We have lost hope. Some of us have given up. God hasn’t given up on you! Join us for our series: REFRESH, a continuation in the book of Acts. Like a sunny, 34 degree day in the middle of January, God’s promise is a time of refreshing. Sound good? Come and get some!

Taking Ownership

So many of us feel numb – numb to our own circumstance, numb to events in the world, numb to the potential of tomorrow. We have lost hope. Some of us have given up. God hasn’t given up on you! Join us for our series: REFRESH, a continuation in the book of Acts. Like a sunny, 34 degree day in the middle of January, God’s promise is a time of refreshing. Sound good? Come and get some!

Greater Than

So many of us feel numb – numb to our own circumstance, numb to events in the world, numb to the potential of tomorrow. We have lost hope. Some of us have given up. God hasn’t given up on you! Join us for our series: REFRESH, a continuation in the book of Acts. Like a sunny, 34 degree day in the middle of January, God’s promise is a time of refreshing. Sound good? Come and get some!

So the Church May Flourish

So many of us feel numb – numb to our own circumstance, numb to events in the world, numb to the potential of tomorrow. We have lost hope. Some of us have given up. God hasn’t given up on you! Join us for our new series: REFRESH, a continuation in the book of Acts, starting January 7th. Like a sunny, 34 degree day in the middle of January, God’s promise is a time of refreshing. Sound good? Come and get some!


So many of us feel numb – numb to our own circumstance, numb to events in the world, numb to the potential of tomorrow. We have lost hope. Some of us have given up. God hasn’t given up on you! Join us for our new series: REFRESH, a continuation in the book of Acts, starting January 7th. Like a sunny, 34 degree day in the middle of January, God’s promise is a time of refreshing. Sound good? Come and get some!

Cutting Things Loose

So many of us feel numb – numb to our own circumstance, numb to events in the world, numb to the potential of tomorrow. We have lost hope. Some of us have given up. God hasn’t given up on you! Join us for our new series: REFRESH, a continuation in the book of Acts, starting January 7th. Like a sunny, 34 degree day in the middle of January, God’s promise is a time of refreshing. Sound good? Come and get some!

Evidence of Being with Jesus

So many of us feel numb – numb to our own circumstance, numb to events in the world, numb to the potential of tomorrow. We have lost hope. Some of us have given up. God hasn’t given up on you! Join us for our new series: REFRESH, a continuation in the book of Acts, starting January 7th. Like a sunny, 34 degree day in the middle of January, God’s promise is a time of refreshing. Sound good? Come and get some!

How Do We Live Refreshed?

So many of us feel numb – numb to our own circumstance, numb to events in the world, numb to the potential of tomorrow. We have lost hope. Some of us have given up. God hasn’t given up on you! Join us for our new series: REFRESH, a continuation in the book of Acts, starting January 7th. Like a sunny, 34 degree day in the middle of January, God’s promise is a time of refreshing. Sound good? Come and get some!

Silver and Gold Have I None

So many of us feel numb – numb to our own circumstance, numb to events in the world, numb to the potential of tomorrow. We have lost hope. Some of us have given up. God hasn’t given up on you! Join us for our new series: REFRESH, a continuation in the book of Acts, starting January 7th. Like a sunny, 34 degree day in the middle of January, God’s promise is a time of refreshing. Sound good? Come and get some!